CARIOQA-PMP present at the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Assembly
CARIOQA-PMP will be present at the International Union of Geodesy [...]
CARIOQA-PMP will be present at the International Union of Geodesy [...]
CNES and DLR, co-leading the CARIOQA-PMP consortium, signed together with [...]
The CARIOQA-PMP project aims to prepare the implementation of atom [...]
You are a scientist, you work on mass change phenomena [...]
The European Space Agency (ESA) has received the first pictures [...]
CARIOQA-PMP will be presented by Thomas Lévèque from CNES in [...]
Sophie ADENOT has been one of two women selected by [...]
CARIOQA-PMP will be presented at the 2023 Space Users Conference [...]