Members of the CARIOQA-PMP project delivered four presentations at the “6th Quantum Technology Conference 2023”, in Matera (Italy) from 19 to 21 September 2023.

The presentations were part of the Quantum Sensing Session. Federica Migliaccio, Professor of Geodesy and Geomatics from Politecnico di Milano, opened the session with a key note on the application of the space-wise approach to concepts of future quantum missions for the Earth gravity field determination.

Then followed the presentations “CARIOQA-PMP: Towards a Pathfinder Mission for Quantum Space Gravimetry” held by Thomas Lévèque from CNES, and the one from Aurélien Eloy from Exail about the Development of space lasers for quantum interferometry missions. Finally Stephan Tobias Seidel from Airbus DS, presented his speech about cold atom interferometry instruments for gravitational observation of the Earth at Airbus.

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