
Three main objectives have been set for the scope and duration of CARIOQA-PMP:

To develop an Engineering Model (EM) of the mission’s instrument and to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the critical subsystems up to 5. An EM is a light representative model in terms of form, fit and function used for the design qualification test program, it is not intended to flight. Complementary EU industrial partners develop the subsystems of the instrument (i.e. Physics Package, Laser System, Microwave Source and Ground Support Equipment) and increase its TRL by assessing the critical technologies in relevant environments. Excellent institutes bring their quantum expertise for the definition of the EM and the mastering of its performance.

To guarantee the adequacy of the hardware development with the future scientific needs. Through their knowledge of scientific applications, leading institutes in geodesy analyse and simulate potential mission scenarios for the Quantum Pathfinder Mission and future Post-Pathfinder scientific missions.

To establish a technical and programmatic roadmap for Quantum Space Gravimetry Missions. This roadmap will be shared and validated by European stakeholders. It ensures the impact maximisation of the project’s results through its harmonisation with the European programmatic framework. CARIOQA PMP brings together the main players of quantum sensors in Europe. As a result, CARIOQA-PMP will secure the capacities for implementing quantum gravimeters/accelerometers in space within European Union (EU) contributing to the EU’s strategic goal of non-dependence and autonomy.